Come Unto Christ Conference Local Church History Salisbury

Special Conference in Salisbury

The Stake Presidency extend an invitation to members and friends of the Church in the Salisbury area to join with them for a Special Conference to be held from 10am on Sunday 8 January 2023 at the Salisbury Meetinghouse, Westside Close, Old Sarum


New BYU-Pathway scholarship

BYU–Pathway Worldwide provides access to higher education for Church members and friends across the world, providing low-cost, accredited degrees in a spiritual environment. Starting in January 2023, all BYU-Pathway students in your country [United Kingdom & Channel Islands] qualify for a guaranteed 10-50% tuition discount through the Heber J. Grant Scholarship throughout their entire bachelor’s degree instead of only during foundational PathwayConnect courses. […]

Faith in Jesus Christ Gratitude Inspiration Poole Testimony

Eric’s Testimony of Christ

“I know that Christ lives and loves us. He is our Saviour. Because of Him, we are able to be cleansed from our sins and look forward to the everlasting life. I am very thankful for His sacrifice and Atonement for us. He knows our pains and trials. He understands each of us. If we […]

Blessings Come Unto Christ Faith in Jesus Christ Testimony

Can the Book of Mormon change your life?

Elder Adam Greaves shares his testimony of The Book of Mormon: Another testament of Jesus Christ, and the impact it has made on his life

Bournemouth Games Live Music Meals Social Young Adults

A Night with Rachel Hill

Join Bournemouth YA for the monthly meal and games with young adult refugees/asylum seekers. For October 2022 this has been moved to Tuesday 25th evening for a special one-off night with Rachel Hill — 7pm to 9pm at the Bournemouth Chapel, 30b Wimborne Road BH2 6NU. As per usual due to the generosity of Unity […]

Blessings Faith in Jesus Christ Inspiration Service St Helier

Happy Birthday to ‘Pop’!

Brother Alexander David William MacKenzie, lovingly known as “Pop” celebrated his 99th birthday on 26 August. A father of six children by the age of 32, a widower at 45 and a man who had lost all of his children bar two by the age of 89. Is he bowed and bitter, pathetic and pessimistic, […]

Bournemouth Come Unto Christ Congregations Local Church History

Bournemouth Branch 1952

Brother Brian Martin sent in this photo of the Bournemouth Branch taken in 1952. Do you recognise anyone in the picture? Send any information to

Come Unto Christ Conference Congregations

Stake Conference 10-11 September 2022

Dear Members & Friends: We extend a warm invitation to members, family and friends to join us for the forthcoming stake conference which will be held on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September 2022.  We are pleased to announce that Elder Mark Stewart of the Seventy will preside at the conference. With the anticipated decline […]

JustServe Service

6 Reasons Why it’s Good to Volunteer

If you have a little free time over the summer, here are some of the reasons why it is good for you to volunteer and help out in your local community. This summer you could: Visit for ideas of local projects that may need your help

Activity Bournemouth Poole Young Adults

YA Bournemouth Beach Day

For Young Adults (YA) aged 18 to 30, join us for another Bournemouth Beach Day When: Saturday 27th August 2022 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm Where: Canford Cliffs Beach Description Price Water Sport Activity (1 hour) plus Food £15 Water Sports Activity (1 hour) only £10 Food only £5 Complete the Registration Form to […]