Easter Study

Teaching in Jerusalem

In Jerusalem, Jesus was surrounded by supporters and critics alike. As the Master Teacher, He never let an opportunity to share His wisdom go to waste. During the last week of His life, He shared some of His most enduring teachings. But His words weren’t intended only for the people present at the time. His […]

Easter Study

Cleansing the Temple

During Jesus’s time in Jerusalem, He visited the temple. There inside His Father’s holy house, Jesus saw various merchants doing business. He was appalled to see a sacred place of worship being desecrated and turned into “a den of thieves” (Matthew 21:13). Speaking with unmistakable authority, He commanded the merchants and moneychangers to leave. Jesus […]

Easter Study

Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

Jesus Christ made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem as His followers waved palm fronds and laid down cloaks in His path. They surrounded Jesus with love and praise shouting “Hosanna”—a phrase meaning “save us.” Many of Jesus’s followers expected Him to save them from Roman rule, but His goals were more eternal. Jesus came to […]

Acceptance Communication Compromise Forgiveness Professional Help

Ending Personal Conflicts

A year ago our Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson taught us that personal conflicts of the heart, home and life must end, during his Sunday morning remarks at April 2022 general conference. “My call today, dear brothers and sisters, is to end the conflicts that are raging in your heart, your home and your life,” he said. […]

Blessings Easter Faith in Jesus Christ Sacrifice Testimony

First Presidency’s 2023 Easter Message

Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of our loving Father, is “the resurrection, and the life.” His birth, life and death brought the promise that “he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” (John 11:25). During this Easter season, we invite all to ponder this glorious promise. Because He broke […]

Bournemouth Christchurch Course Education Family History Gratitude Inspiration Interfaith JustServe Poole Service Young Adults

Farewell to the Carroll’s

Elder Steve & Sister Angela Carroll from Oklahoma, USA have been serving in the Poole Stake since October 2021. Their main assignment has been supporting the Young Adults across the stake but in particular those in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Since starting their mission they have discovered that they already had a connection to Dorset, […]

Local Church History Service Yeovil

New Yeovil Ward Bishopric

Sunday 22 March 2023 – A new Bishopric has been called to serve the members of the Yeovil Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Bishop Mark Plumbley who was called to serve in the Stake Presidency a week earlier was released along with his counsellors John Sharpe and Paolo Schina. Neal […]

Conference Local Church History Service

New Stake Presidency Counsellors called

During the Sunday Morning Session of the Poole England Stake Conference held at 8 Mount Road, Poole on Sunday 5th March 2023, President Joe Hull and President Alan Burchell were released as counsellors to President Cope having served since September 2018. Called to serve as new counsellors in the stake presidency were Mark Richard Plumbley […]

Broadcast Service Young Adults

Documentary about three young missionaries to be shown on BBC2

Tune in to BBC2 this evening for a new documentary “The Mormons Are Coming” This documentary follows the journey of three young missionaries through the first few months of training and work in the field, which can make or break them. The programme was commissioned by the BBC Religion and Ethics department and lasts just […]

Conference Family History Guidance Inspiration Technology

Keynote Speakers at RootsTech 2023

RootsTech 2023, a global gathering of family history enthusiasts, will be in person at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City and virtually at The three-day gathering (March 2 to 4, 2023) will feature several keynotes at 6 pm UK time. In-Person Keynotes Virtual Keynotes (Free) RootsTech 2023 will offer localized main stage sessions. […]