Course Emotional Resilience Self-Reliance

Emotional Resilience – Autumn 2024

A new 12 week virtual course will be held at 7:00pm on Thursdays Starting Thursday 17th October 2024 until to 23rd January 2025 Use the link below to sign up

Course Emotional Resilience Online Self-Reliance

Emotional Resilience – Summer 2024

A 12 week online class on Emotional Resilience is set to begin on Wednesday 19 June at 7:00pm via Zoom. If you or someone you know would benefit from attending please contact Bro and Sister Cardenas to book a place. Their email address is:

Course Self-Reliance

Poole Stake – Self Reliance

Poole Stake are starting 2 self reliance courses in June 2024. If anyone is interested in either course, please contact contact Francisco and Sue Cardenas on

Course Missionary Online Preparation Young Adults

Missionary Preparation Course – Summer 2024

A nationwide 10 week Missionary Preparation Course, held over Zoom on Tuesday evenings, from 28th May to 30th July is currently open for enrolment. Each class will be held from 8pm for an hour and is open to all young people aged 17 – 25 who are considering serving a mission. Use the QR codes on the poster to register and […]

Course Missionary Online Preparation Young Adults

Missionary Preparation Course – Spring 2024

A nationwide 11 week Missionary Preparation Course, held over Zoom on Wednesday evenings, from 24th January to 3rd April is currently open for enrolment. Each class will be held from 8pm for an hour and is open to all young people aged 17 – 25 who are considering serving a mission. Use the QR codes on the poster to register and […]

Book of Mormon Class Come, Follow Me Course Gospel Discussion Lessons Multi-Stake Online Single Adults

Book of Mormon – Adult Religion Class

Dear All Adult Friends 31+, You are invited to attend weekly Come, Follow Me lessons hosted by the Poole England Stake. The course will start from Wednesday 17th January 2024 @ 7:00pm and will run every week. The course material for 2024 is Come, Follow Me – Book of Mormon and will be taught by […]

Course Online Peace Professional Help Ukraine

Finding Peace in Christ – Help for Ukrainians

Commencing Sunday 3 December, this initiative aims to extend a helping hand to those affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine. We kindly request your assistance in disseminating this information to your members and friends to ensure broad awareness and participation. What is it?: This is a series of 6 sessions (online) on post-traumatic stress disorder. […]

Course Missionary Online Preparation Young Adults

Missionary Preparation Course – Autumn 2023

 A nationwide 11 week Missionary Preparation Course, held over Zoom on Tuesday evenings, from 10th October to 19th December is currently open for enrolment. Each class will be held from 8pm for an hour and is open to all young people aged 17 – 25 who are considering serving a mission. The lessons are taught […]

Come Unto Christ Community Course Faith in Jesus Christ Gospel of Jesus Christ Inspiration Lessons Online Single Adults

Adult Religion Class 31+ (Reopen)

We are holding in our Poole Stake adult weekly online zoom class. This is on Wednesday evenings from 7:30pm – approx 8:15pm. This will allow you to study the current Come Follow Me material and share what you have learned. This will help you find new friends and to find more faith in Christ.  After […]

Bournemouth Christchurch Course Education Family History Gratitude Inspiration Interfaith JustServe Poole Service Young Adults

Farewell to the Carroll’s

Elder Steve & Sister Angela Carroll from Oklahoma, USA have been serving in the Poole Stake since October 2021. Their main assignment has been supporting the Young Adults across the stake but in particular those in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Since starting their mission they have discovered that they already had a connection to Dorset, […]