Bournemouth Course Education Games Interfaith Service Social Young Adults

A Friendly Welcome at the Youth Integration Programme in Bournemouth

Once a month, the Bournemouth Ward (congregation) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hosts the Youth Integration Programme (YIP) for young asylum seekers, refugees, and young adult members of the Church. At these events, the youth mix, play board games to help practice their English in a non-classroom setting, have fun, and […]

Activity Blessings Come Unto Christ Congregations Course Single Adults Social

Poole Stake Adult Class Registration (Open)

The Stake Presidency have arranged for a weekly virtual Adult Religion Class that will use the ‘Come Follow Me’ New Testament 2023 manual as course material. Thank you to all those who completed the survey and provided input to the planning process.  Your views are very much appreciated, and they helped to determine the timing of the […]

Come Unto Christ Course Education Faith in Jesus Christ Single Adults

Virtual Adult Religion Class

The Stake Presidency are in the process of organising a weekly virtual Adult Religion Class that will use the Institute manuals as their course materials. This class will be open for Adult members and friends of the Church, single or married who are aged 31 and older. Young Adults aged 18-30 are encouraged to enrol in Institute. […]

Course Faith in Jesus Christ Self-Reliance

Strengthening Faith in Jesus Christ

You are warmly invited to partcipate in the course The course is for all people who wish to better understand their faith journey and discover principles, patterns and resources to strengthen faith in Jesus Christ. Subjects covered in the course include: What is faith and why is it necessary? How to deal with the gap […]