Broadcast Devotional Faith in Jesus Christ Online Restoration

Virtual Fireside: Moroni – Messenger of the Restoration

NOTE CHANGE OF DATE On the night of September 21, 1823, Joseph Smith prayed to know God’s further will toward him. He later told people that “I discovered a light appearing in my room, which continued to increase until the room was lighter than at noonday, when immediately a personage appeared at my bedside,” (Joseph Smith History 1:30) Moroni, […]

Come Unto Christ Faith in Jesus Christ Study

What is the Book of Mormon?

What do you think? It is the record of God’s dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas. Like the Bible, it is Holy Scripture. It teaches of the ministry of Jesus Christ, who appeared to this people after His death and resurrection in Jerusalem. It contains the fulness of the Everlasting Gospel and stands […]

Conference Faith in Jesus Christ Poole

Stake Conference – 9 & 10 Sep 2023

Invitation to Attend Dear Members & Friends: We look forward to being together again and extend a warm invitation to members, family and friends to join us for the forthcoming stake conference which will be held on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th September 2023.  Elder Miguel Ribeiro of the Seventy has been assigned to preside […]

Activity All Ages Broadcast Devotional Faith in Jesus Christ Inspiration Pageant Sacrifice Service Testimony

Stake Fireside ~ feat. British Pageant cast & crew – Sun. 2 July 2023

We are very excited to announce that the Poole Stake will host a virtual fireside at 7pm on Sunday 2 July 2023 that will feature some members of the British Pageant cast & crew. British Pageant President Craig Wright, will be our special guest. Others who are involved behind the scenes and on stage will […]

Come Unto Christ Course Faith in Jesus Christ Gospel of Jesus Christ Inspiration Lessons Online Single Adults

Adult Religion Class 31+ (Reopen)

We are holding in our Poole Stake adult weekly online zoom class. This is on Wednesday evenings from 7:30pm – approx 8:15pm. This will allow you to study the current Come Follow Me material and share what you have learned. This will help you find new friends and to find more faith in Christ.  After […]

Come Unto Christ Faith in Jesus Christ Games Gospel of Jesus Christ Salisbury Single Adults Social

Salisbury Adult Activity Day 31+ (Now Closed)

Dear All adults,  We are hosting this month Saturday 20th May 23 Activity Day in Salisbury Ward in our Poole Stake.  We have invited the following stakes to come and join in the fun  Bristol  Portsmouth  Cheltenham  The £10.00 will cover the food only. If you are not able to make the event and you […]

Blessings Easter Faith in Jesus Christ Sacrifice Testimony

First Presidency’s 2023 Easter Message

Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of our loving Father, is “the resurrection, and the life.” His birth, life and death brought the promise that “he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” (John 11:25). During this Easter season, we invite all to ponder this glorious promise. Because He broke […]

Come Unto Christ Faith in Jesus Christ Guidance Inspiration Poole Testimony Young Adults

Cosima – Trust your journey

“I thank the Lord every day for putting the missionaries on my path 10 years ago. I was around 12; I spoke to the Sisters on a street near my home and took a card from them. Although back then I may never have felt like it had affected me, all these years later I […]

Christchurch Come Unto Christ Faith in Jesus Christ Inspiration Testimony Youth

Joseph’s journey back to God

“I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and that the Book of Mormon was translated through the prophet Joseph Smith. I know these things because since I began my journey back to God almost a year ago, my life and character have both been blessed in more ways than […]

Blessings Come Unto Christ Faith in Jesus Christ Gratitude Inspiration Joy JustServe Social Testimony Yeovil

Elder Zach Wiltshire – Consider Peace?

Ever feel like the trials of life are weighing you down? Elder Wiltshire shares that Jesus Christ has always been there for him. And He will be there for you.