Blessings Easter Faith in Jesus Christ Sacrifice Testimony

First Presidency’s 2023 Easter Message

Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of our loving Father, is “the resurrection, and the life.” His birth, life and death brought the promise that “he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” (John 11:25). During this Easter season, we invite all to ponder this glorious promise. Because He broke […]

Come Unto Christ Faith in Jesus Christ Guidance Inspiration Poole Testimony Young Adults

Cosima – Trust your journey

“I thank the Lord every day for putting the missionaries on my path 10 years ago. I was around 12; I spoke to the Sisters on a street near my home and took a card from them. Although back then I may never have felt like it had affected me, all these years later I […]

Christchurch Come Unto Christ Faith in Jesus Christ Inspiration Testimony Youth

Joseph’s journey back to God

“I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and that the Book of Mormon was translated through the prophet Joseph Smith. I know these things because since I began my journey back to God almost a year ago, my life and character have both been blessed in more ways than […]

Blessings Come Unto Christ Faith in Jesus Christ Gratitude Inspiration Joy JustServe Social Testimony Yeovil

Elder Zach Wiltshire – Consider Peace?

Ever feel like the trials of life are weighing you down? Elder Wiltshire shares that Jesus Christ has always been there for him. And He will be there for you.

Come Unto Christ Course Education Faith in Jesus Christ Single Adults

Virtual Adult Religion Class

The Stake Presidency are in the process of organising a weekly virtual Adult Religion Class that will use the Institute manuals as their course materials. This class will be open for Adult members and friends of the Church, single or married who are aged 31 and older. Young Adults aged 18-30 are encouraged to enrol in Institute. […]

Blessings Come Unto Christ Direction Faith in Jesus Christ Guidance Inspiration Preparation

Preparing for our journey in 2023

As I look back on 2022 I firstly feel very grateful that the restrictions in our lives and the confidence to normalise our social interactions has come to pass. The ability to experience a hug or hand shake has been wonderful. I also think back with fondness on the example of faithful saints who have […]

Blessings Come Unto Christ Faith in Jesus Christ Inspiration Testimony

What are you grateful for?

Giving. thanks not only helps us recognise our blessings, but it also unlocks the doors of heaven.

Faith in Jesus Christ Gratitude Inspiration Poole Testimony

Eric’s Testimony of Christ

“I know that Christ lives and loves us. He is our Saviour. Because of Him, we are able to be cleansed from our sins and look forward to the everlasting life. I am very thankful for His sacrifice and Atonement for us. He knows our pains and trials. He understands each of us. If we […]

Blessings Come Unto Christ Faith in Jesus Christ Testimony

Can the Book of Mormon change your life?

Elder Adam Greaves shares his testimony of The Book of Mormon: Another testament of Jesus Christ, and the impact it has made on his life

Blessings Faith in Jesus Christ Inspiration Service St Helier

Happy Birthday to ‘Pop’!

Brother Alexander David William MacKenzie, lovingly known as “Pop” celebrated his 99th birthday on 26 August. A father of six children by the age of 32, a widower at 45 and a man who had lost all of his children bar two by the age of 89. Is he bowed and bitter, pathetic and pessimistic, […]