Course Missionary Online Preparation Young Adults

Missionary Preparation Course – Autumn 2023

 A nationwide 11 week Missionary Preparation Course, held over Zoom on Tuesday evenings, from 10th October to 19th December is currently open for enrolment. Each class will be held from 8pm for an hour and is open to all young people aged 17 – 25 who are considering serving a mission. The lessons are taught […]

Broadcast Devotional Faith in Jesus Christ Online Restoration

Virtual Fireside: Moroni – Messenger of the Restoration

NOTE CHANGE OF DATE On the night of September 21, 1823, Joseph Smith prayed to know God’s further will toward him. He later told people that “I discovered a light appearing in my room, which continued to increase until the room was lighter than at noonday, when immediately a personage appeared at my bedside,” (Joseph Smith History 1:30) Moroni, […]

Broadcast Class Online Relaxation Single Adults Social Wellbeing

Restorative Yoga Sessions – Starts Wednesday 2nd August 8:30pm – Live Stream

All single adults and members ages 31+ are invited to online yoga sessions on Wednesdays from 8:30pm – 9:15pm approx.  Adam is an experienced yoga teacher who has very kindly offered to host relaxing yoga sessions after the Adult Religion classes, starting from 2nd August.  Participants will be guided through breathing techniques and poses to […]

Come Unto Christ Community Course Faith in Jesus Christ Gospel of Jesus Christ Inspiration Lessons Online Single Adults

Adult Religion Class 31+ (Reopen)

We are holding in our Poole Stake adult weekly online zoom class. This is on Wednesday evenings from 7:30pm – approx 8:15pm. This will allow you to study the current Come Follow Me material and share what you have learned. This will help you find new friends and to find more faith in Christ.  After […]