The story of our ever popular English Connect initiative has made it all the way to Utah and consequently has been published in the world wide Church News.
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The story of our ever popular English Connect initiative has made it all the way to Utah and consequently has been published in the world wide Church News.
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Once a month, the Bournemouth Ward (congregation) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hosts the Youth Integration Programme (YIP) for young asylum seekers, refugees, and young adult members of the Church. At these events, the youth mix, play board games to help practice their English in a non-classroom setting, have fun, and […]
Another service opportunity: we are collecting toiletries and warm winter clothing/shoes (including hats, scarves and gloves) to support homeless men and women in the BCP area on Christmas Day. Also chocolate, biscuits, cakes and sweet (non-meat) pies an desserts will be most welcome. Donations can be dropped off at Bournemouth chapel on 24th December between […]
Counsellors Needed
Registration for fsy counsellor’s is now open!
Elder & Sister Crew from Yeovil Ward are serving as Service Mission Leaders for the Bristol and Birmingham Service Mission. Download the newsletter here. Please remember that we would be delighted to talk to young adults, youth, families and individuals who wish to know more about the blessings and opportunities of Service Missions. Please do […]
We have families in our community who need help. They need a few donations of good quality (new or like new) winter clothing for women, teenagers, boys and girls. If you are in a position to help our friends this winter, please see the JustServe project for details:
We are supporting foodbanks that have seen both a rise in demand for food and a fall in the number of donations they are receiving due to the cost of living crisis. The JustServe Harvest Appeal wants to encourage local community groups to collect food and hygiene items and donate them to foodbanks or food-related […]
Collection of examples of service offered by our local community, over the past few years
President Cope has given permission for all suitable items to be brought to Stake Conference 10th & 11th September and left on the stage. Please only donate the items mentioned below. All clothing must be for Winter and in good, clean condition. Thank You. Clothing: Socks/Underwear/Winter/Warm for All Ages and Male/Female Food: Rice/Pasta/Bulghur Wheat/Spaghetti/Lentils/Yeast/Flour/Semolina Chickpeas/Cereals/Tinned […]