Activity Blessings Bournemouth Christchurch Communication Interfaith JustServe Poole Service

Chapel Chaperones

Dear Members of Poole Stake,

You may have noticed increasing use of our chapels by other local communities for wholesome activities. This follows our leaders requests that we reach out and build bridges with these communities wherever possible, so that our chapels may be put to good use when they would otherwise not be occupied.

Being able to serve others in this way brings many blessings:
  • Improving our relationships with other faith leaders and the local communities.
  • Building a trust with local government officials
  • Being known as a church that “does” not just says.
  • Having a reputation for serving and helping all, regardless of race or religion.
  • People who enter our chapels will know of our belief in Christ, and where to go should they want to know more

We have a responsibility to be active in the communities where we live…and to work cooperatively with other churches and organisations

President Thomas S Monson
We need your service!

All community events held in our buildings must have at least one Church member present on site while the event is taking place. Stake officers have often fulfilled this requirement, but we would like to extend the opportunity to serve to any member of the local Elders Quorums or Relief Societies.

Can you help facilitate these events?

Responsibilities When Chaperoning a Community Event:
  • Unlock main gates and unlock chapel.
  • Greet and welcome those attending the event (this involves being at the front door and saying hello and letting them know where the main event is happening, normally in the cultural hall)
  • Being on hand if there are any issues
  • At the end of the event check both upstairs and downstairs to make sure all ok and then lock up the chapel and the gates.

If there are longer events we may split the time into multiple shifts.

Whilst chaperoning, as long as you are in the building you can be in one of the other rooms doing your own thing: playing board games with friends, have a book club, chatting with friends and having a good catch up, doing work, uni or church work etc. But If you wish to take part in the event going on, you would always be welcome, but you do not need to if you do not want to.

Monthly details of events needing support will be distributed via the usual channels.

Thank you for helping us serve the Lord in this way