Come Unto Christ Faith in Jesus Christ Guidance Inspiration Poole Testimony Young Adults

Cosima – Trust your journey

“I thank the Lord every day for putting the missionaries on my path 10 years ago. I was around 12; I spoke to the Sisters on a street near my home and took a card from them. Although back then I may never have felt like it had affected me, all these years later I have had so many blessings and miracles in my life and our loving Saviour to thank for that.

For a long time I had explored the idea of faith in one way or another but had never fully come to terms with it. I know now the Lord had other plans for me and I truly believe that these last ten years had been a journey for me to not only find out who I am, but also finding out who the Lord really is.

10 years after my initial encounter with the missionaries, I come across the Bournemouth Chapel by chance whilst working in the area. I never knew this chapel existed (and had long forgotten my talk with the missionaries) yet something stood out to me and I could not stop thinking about it so I reached out through the website. There, I made the connection back to my talk with the Sisters all those years earlier and when I finally had my first meeting at the Poole chapel with the missionaries, it felt like something had lifted and everything finally made sense, this was where I was meant to be all this time. I knew this was the Holy Ghost bringing me back to where I was supposed to be, a long journey, but having full trust in the Lord, he knew what was right for me.

I over came my vulnerabilities and fear of judgement from others and came to the knowledge that prayer and the love, strength and true word of the Lord, was all I needed to be the best person I could possibly be.

My invitation to you is trust the Lord; trust your journey and share your own testimony.

I bear this testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen”

-Cosima Rose