Family History Online Technology

FamilySearch Labs

FamilySearch is providing a new way for users to be a part of website updates—a feature called FamilySearch Labs. In this article, learn more about the labs and how you can participate in experiments, give feedback, and help shape the future of the FamilySearch website. You can visit this new feature at A video introduction is also available.

What Is FamilySearch Labs?

Labs is a part of the FamilySearch site where you can explore emerging FamilySearch features that are not yet ready for public release. The new site is a chance for you to see what FamilySearch is working on and an opportunity for you to give your impressions of the new features.

We use your feedback to move the research and development of Lab experiments forward. There is no guarantee that all experiments on Labs will become available on the live site, but most will.

What Is an “Experiment” on FamilySearch Labs?

Experiments are features that a team in FamilySearch is working on and are almost ready to be released. The experiments are not live, and they may have bugs or be incomplete. Sharing experiments on Labs allows FamilySearch developers to test features before they are published fully on the FamilySearch site.

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