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Farewell to the Carroll’s

Elder Steve & Sister Angela Carroll from Oklahoma, USA have been serving in the Poole Stake since October 2021. Their main assignment has been supporting the Young Adults across the stake but in particular those in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

Since starting their mission they have discovered that they already had a connection to Dorset, with Family History research revealing Elder Carroll having ancestors that called the county home.

This week they have been saying their farewells as they complete their 18 month full-time missionary service. On Sunday 12 March, Bournemouth Ward held a munch and mingle after their 2 hours of regular Church meetings to say thank you and goodbye to the Carroll’s.

Then on Tuesday 14 March they oversaw, as they have done since July 2022, an evening of EnglishConnect with 44 students attending the 4 classes, including 13 new attendees. Following the classes the March Youth Integration Program was held – brought forward from the normal third Sunday so the Carroll’s could be honoured. These monthly events are where refugees and young adults mix over games and food provided by the International Catering Project – a partnership of the Church, Unity in Vision and Westbourne Rotary Club – the success of this program has attracted national and global coverage in Church media. See articles published by Church Newsroom UK and The Church News.

The Carroll’s have given exemplary service and leave behind many souls blessed by their dedicated love and service. We wish them well in their post-mission life with that starting with trips to Ireland and The Holy Land before they return to the United States.