Blessings Faith in Jesus Christ Inspiration Service St Helier

Happy Birthday to ‘Pop’!

Brother Alexander David William MacKenzie, lovingly known as “Pop” celebrated his 99th birthday on 26 August.

A father of six children by the age of 32, a widower at 45 and a man who had lost all of his children bar two by the age of 89. Is he bowed and bitter, pathetic and pessimistic, grief-stricken and graceless,? No, he is optimistic, a faithful and committed Christian, a man who loves people and especially his great tribe of an extended family, who, in return love him greatly. Forget ‘laden down with years’ and instead think ‘Borne on the wings of love into a future that is always bright’.

Born in 1923 Brother MacKenzie is the oldest High Priest currently living in the Poole England Stake.

Pop you are so marvellous,
So wonderful to see,
At 94 years of age,
You’re twice as fit as me!
Your brain it works so cunningly,
A wonder to behold,
Who’d ever think to look at you,
That you’re so very old?
Other folk are worn and lame,
And don’t enjoy their years,
But you, you always stay the same,
Still wet behind the ears!
Oh Pop, we really love you,
You’re the greatest Dad on Earth,
So we’ll celebrate together,
This Anniversary of your birth

Viva Pop!

Family Birthday Card from 2017