Food Games Missionary Service Single Adults Social St Helier

Jersey Single Adult Activity Day 31+

Dear Single Adults, 

You have been invited to attend our Jersey activity day which will be held from Friday 23rd June 23. – Sunday 26th June 23. The main activity day is the Saturday. 

For anyone who wishes to come and to attend please fill out the form viva the QR code. If you are coming to the event you will need to make your own arrangements with travel and accommodation.  

If the weather is poor, some activities will be held at the chapel. 

Children are welcome but they will need to be provided for and supervised by you at all times.

If you have any questions about this activity, please contact the Poole Stake Single Adult Leaders and Committee by email: 

If you have problems using the QR code please follow this link here:

We look forward for you to spend a weekend with us. 

Kind Regards

Poole England Stake | Stake Adult Leaders & Committee