Christchurch Dance Fancy Dress Food Multi-Stake Single Adults

Multi-Stake Single Adult Fancy Dress Dance – Sat 21 Oct 2023

The Single Adults of the Stake are invited to attend a Fancy Dress Disco on Saturday 21st Oct 23 @ 6:45pm – 10:30pm.

This will be held at Christchurch chapel within Poole Stake postcode: BH23 2QX.

The following stakes are also invited:

  1. Portsmouth
  2. Plymouth
  3. Cheltenham
  4. Bristol
  5. Cardiff
  6. Merthyr Tydfil

Invitation is being extended with the approval of Elder Turvey.

We ask each single adult to pay a small fee of £6

We also ask each person to complete a registration form also linked via the QR code on the poster

We kindly ask if you like to dress up please do so, but we do not want any demons or devils for obvious reasons.

We also kindly remind you anyone attending and who has been married they need a divorce to be final or that you are a widow.

If you need any further information please contact us by sending a email to

We all look forward to seeing you all come to this event.

Kind Regards

Poole England Stake – Single Adult Leaders & Committee