Salisbury Testimony

My name is Sam Zheng

I was baptised in 2014 at Birmingham. Every first Sunday of the month is my favourite because I can share my experiences, thoughts and spiritual journey with my fellow friends during the Sunday testimony session. Here is a story I want to share with you.

Recently, I just started my new job after many years of struggling to find a suitable company to work for after the pandemic. I really treated the job with my heart and soul. During the first month of the trial, I planned to work hard and turn up every day.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, I felt so sick one afternoon. It was just a headache, I thought. I should be ok. I was too afraid to ask my boss for an extra break because I was in fear of getting fired. So I started to pray and ask God for strength. The Spirit told me that God would soften my boss’ heart, and I should be ok. Therefore, I asked, “it is ok for me to take a quick nap in my car? because I got a bad headache”. The boss with no hesitation said, “Sure, have a siesta”. At this point, I realised that the boss actually came from Spain, so this culture can tolerate the idea of a nap. In addition, I also realised that God is with me all the time to protect me, His presence is guiding others towards kindness and love, and He has made plans for everything and for everyone.

Well, the story has not ended yet, the best bit has yet to come. So after I went home after work on that day, a little headache turned into a bad fever. I looked at the clock, it was like 9p.m in the evening. I thought “ Oh no, this is bad. I cannot make it tomorrow, I might lose this new job which means a lot to me”. However, a voice spoke up inside of me, the Holy Spirit “Sam. Pray to the Lord, He will give you the power to do the impossible”. And I did. I prayed with a sincere heart. I rolled from left to right in my bed and felt like cooking on a super hot grill. Pain in my brain cannot be described in words. But with my faith in Jesus Christ, I believe that miracle can happen! After a while, I had a dream where I was in a desert-like place, where I was dying for some water. Suddenly, I pray for some water and the water appeared from the sky, and I was saved. I woke up around 1a.m the next day morning. I started to drink lots of water. Thanks to my lovely dad he always bought lots of high-quality mineral waters from the local supermarket for me. Everything seems to happen to make sense as all parts of God’s plan. I drank about 3 or 4 bottles of water, and my headache and sickness start to fade away. At the start, I felt uncomfortable inside of my body, as if a battle was being fought. I prayed again, this time I give thanks to you and be grateful that everything he has done for me. Suddenly, as soon as I finished the prayer. I started to sweat, the water droplets pops out of my forehead and on my nose. I felt relieved because I remember that this is a sign of getting recovered very soon from previous experience.

As I was expecting, I was speedy and recovered fully the next day. From this story, I want to share that God has planned everything for us already at the beginning. With Jesus Christ’s help, I am able to make the impossible happen. I know that the Latter-day Saint of Jesus Christ is true and Jesus Christ is our saviour.

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ


-Shuxiao Zheng