Easter Study

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Early in the morning, Mary Magdalene, a friend and follower of Jesus Christ, came to the tomb to care for His body. To her astonishment, she found the tomb empty. Later as she wept outside the tomb, a man addressed her—the gardener, she supposed. But then He said her name, “Mary.” And she saw. It […]

Easter Study

Ministry in the Spirit World

It’s hard to imagine the anguish Jesus Christ’s followers must have felt on the day after His death. The night before, His body had been lovingly prepared and placed in a garden tomb. Now they were left to figure out how life could possibly go on without Him. Almost certainly His death had taken something […]

Inspiration Service Weymouth

Weymouth – Give or Take Day

Dorset Council Waste Services – Our Give or Take Day last Saturday was a great success! At least 160 people attended and over 1 tonne of free items were taken away to new homes. This event took place thanks to volunteers at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Weymouth. If your community […]

Easter Study

Trial, Crucifixion, and Burial

After a series of one-sided trials, Jesus Christ was sentenced to death by crucifixion. Roman soldiers mocked and scourged Him and nailed Him to the cross. But instead of condemning them, Jesus Christ begged His Father to “forgive them; for they know now what they do” (Luke 23:34). Even in His darkest moment, Jesus spoke […]

Easter Study

Passover and Suffering in the Garden

Jesus observed the sacred holiday of Passover with His Apostles. He instituted the sacred ordinance of the sacrament, in which His disciples were invited to eat and drink in remembrance of Him. He taught them of the comforting power of the Holy Ghost. And knowing that His time with them would soon end, He commanded […]

Easter Study

Rest and Miracles

During the last week of His mortal ministry, the Savior spent some time in the town of Bethany. Just a short time before, Jesus had visited Bethany to raise His friend Lazarus from the dead. After seeing this miracle, many people in the town believed Jesus to be the Son of God. In 2022, President […]

Easter Study

Teaching in Jerusalem

In Jerusalem, Jesus was surrounded by supporters and critics alike. As the Master Teacher, He never let an opportunity to share His wisdom go to waste. During the last week of His life, He shared some of His most enduring teachings. But His words weren’t intended only for the people present at the time. His […]

Easter Study

Cleansing the Temple

During Jesus’s time in Jerusalem, He visited the temple. There inside His Father’s holy house, Jesus saw various merchants doing business. He was appalled to see a sacred place of worship being desecrated and turned into “a den of thieves” (Matthew 21:13). Speaking with unmistakable authority, He commanded the merchants and moneychangers to leave. Jesus […]

Easter Study

Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

Jesus Christ made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem as His followers waved palm fronds and laid down cloaks in His path. They surrounded Jesus with love and praise shouting “Hosanna”—a phrase meaning “save us.” Many of Jesus’s followers expected Him to save them from Roman rule, but His goals were more eternal. Jesus came to […]

Acceptance Communication Compromise Forgiveness Professional Help

Ending Personal Conflicts

A year ago our Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson taught us that personal conflicts of the heart, home and life must end, during his Sunday morning remarks at April 2022 general conference. “My call today, dear brothers and sisters, is to end the conflicts that are raging in your heart, your home and your life,” he said. […]