Inspiration Music Video

Music & the Spoken Word

Music & the Spoken Word at the Robert Burns Cottage, Alloway, Scotland

Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot?

Come Unto Christ Course Education Faith in Jesus Christ Single Adults

Virtual Adult Religion Class

The Stake Presidency are in the process of organising a weekly virtual Adult Religion Class that will use the Institute manuals as their course materials. This class will be open for Adult members and friends of the Church, single or married who are aged 31 and older. Young Adults aged 18-30 are encouraged to enrol in Institute. […]

Blessings Come Unto Christ Direction Faith in Jesus Christ Guidance Inspiration Preparation

Preparing for our journey in 2023

As I look back on 2022 I firstly feel very grateful that the restrictions in our lives and the confidence to normalise our social interactions has come to pass. The ability to experience a hug or hand shake has been wonderful. I also think back with fondness on the example of faithful saints who have […]

Come Unto Christ Conference Local Church History Salisbury

Special Conference in Salisbury

The Stake Presidency extend an invitation to members and friends of the Church in the Salisbury area to join with them for a Special Conference to be held from 10am on Sunday 8 January 2023 at the Salisbury Meetinghouse, Westside Close, Old Sarum

Christmas Come Unto Christ Inspiration Joy

Look out for His Light!

“Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.” —Matthew 2:2 Matthew 2 recounts the story of the Wise Men, who came to Bethlehem to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. They traveled a long distance, relying on the […]

Blessings Christmas Come Unto Christ Inspiration Joy

Share Your Light!

What quote or verse of scripture inspires you to share your light? Tell us below. Find inspiration each day of December. Text LIGHT to 71234 to sign up for daily text reminders to share your light.

Blessings Christmas Interfaith Joy

2022 Concert: Witnesses of Christmas | Symbols of Christ

Christmas JustServe Service

Support homeless on Christmas Day

Another service opportunity: we are collecting toiletries and warm winter clothing/shoes (including hats, scarves and gloves) to support homeless men and women in the BCP area on Christmas Day. Also chocolate, biscuits, cakes and sweet (non-meat) pies an desserts will be most welcome. Donations can be dropped off at Bournemouth chapel on 24th December between […]

Blessings Christmas Devotional Inspiration Joy

2022 First Presidency’s Christmas Devotional

The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints invites members, their families and friends to participate in the First Presidency’s annual Christmas devotional broadcast on Sunday, December 4, 2022. The program will include Christmas messages from General Authorities and General Officers of the Church. Music will be provided by The Tabernacle Choir […]

Blessings Come Unto Christ Inspiration Service

Light the World!