Blessings Come Unto Christ Direction Faith in Jesus Christ Guidance Inspiration Preparation

Preparing for our journey in 2023

As I look back on 2022 I firstly feel very grateful that the restrictions in our lives and the confidence to normalise our social interactions has come to pass. The ability to experience a hug or hand shake has been wonderful. I also think back with fondness on the example of faithful saints who have shown us the example of how to complete their life’s journey with honour.

When we set out on a journey we first measure the length, expense, time, clothing and food requirements. Successful journeys also carefully consider directions and make preparations for mishaps such as flat tyres or roadworks. As you start your spiritual journey this year may I suggest some basic helps.

First, get directions. It’s your obligation to know the way before you travel. In a very practical sense Jesus ‘is the way the truth and the life’ (John 14:6), but how do I apply that to my journey?

Well you could seek His directions for your life. Pray to our Father in His name, fast for direction,  seek and obtain a priesthood blessing,  review a patriarchal blessing, study the scriptures using Come Follow Me, carefully follow the Prophet. It’s your choice how to seek out your directions but please seek them. For a few years now I  have sought a blessing at the start of the year to help me. It has been invaluable.

Second, make preparations. Life has unexpected twists and turns. What will determine whether we learn and grow from that experience or falter will mostly depend on our preparations. Because we often leave preparations until the last minute we unintentionally miss out crucial steps or items for our journey.

Our forgetfulness is part of mortality. The Saviour knew this and taught about it in the parable of the Ten Virgins. He has prepared ordinances to help us remember our destination and provide spiritual food for the journey. Every ordinance whether baptism, sacrament or temple covenants are designed specifically to teach us about Jesus Christ and His Atonement for us.

I invite you to prepare for every ordinance and receive strength from remembering. Prepare your heart and prepare physically. Sacrament services are “remembering Jesus Christ” services. Like the five wise virgins we all want to be ready in plenty of time for our own personal spiritual feeding otherwise we miss the feast.

Lastly, keep going. There’s a lot to be said for just finding your way through with what you have already learned. Sometimes we don’t think we have the skills to make it home but we often have more than we think.

This year I had a wonderful time muddling through a mishap where 18 of our youth had no way of getting home from a conference in Nottingham. I took my credit card when I didn’t really need it but it turned out to be really useful. We had a great time and some laughs just enjoying working it out and finally successfully getting home. It is one of my most memorable and enjoyable experiences of 2022, even though at the beginning it felt really challenging.

Sometimes we have ups and downs in our faith, challenges in our work or home life. We don’t always understand how to react or what to do next. My invitation is to keep pressing forward with what you already know. Whatever the problem our Father, His Son Jesus Christ and friends in the gospel will be there to support you as you muddle through and keep going through any difficulties and find joy in your journey in the end.

All my love
President Cope