Inspiration Remembrance Sacrifice Testimony

Remembrance Sunday

On Sunday 10th November I had the privilege to participate in the parade to Bournemouth Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday. It was a bit intimidating to be with the well drilled armed forces representatives and other groups. However, the service was moving and well planned. I especially appreciated the following readings about peace:

Peace begins with respect. If we cannot accept a world of human difference we will never enjoy a world of peace.

Peace needs humility. If we are willing to see our own faults then the bridges of trust can be rebuilt.

Peace needs cooperation. If we realise that most of what we desire cannot be secured by ourselves alone we will cultivate friendship.

Peace needs compromise. It needs a willingness to tolerate a world that is less than perfect.

Peace requires justice. We must be willing to share the world’s resources fairly.

Peace is hard work. There are no laws of history that will guarantee its arrival.

So let our tribute to those of all beliefs who have suffered and died in conflict be our resolve to work for peace.