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Salisbury Adult Activity Day 31+ (Now Closed)

Dear All adults, 

We are hosting this month Saturday 20th May 23 Activity Day in Salisbury Ward in our Poole Stake. 

We have invited the following stakes to come and join in the fun 




The £10.00 will cover the food only. If you are not able to make the event and you have paid, we would ask you to email us directly

We may be able to refund you back the money depending on your individual circumstances and response you given us.

Please be aware that refunds will take 3-5 working days from the time we actioned the request. 

Children are also welcome but they will need to be provided for and supervised by you at all times. 

We look forward to seeing you all on the day. If you have any questions please contact us by email directly. 

Kind regards

Poole Single Adult Leaders & Committee