Activity Food Games Online Single Adults

Single Adult Inter-Ward Quiz Night – Sat 27 Jan 2024

Dear Poole England Stake Single Adults 31+,

Get a team together in your ward or branch because there will be an online inter-ward quiz night on Saturday 27th January 2024 from 6:30pm (Quiz to start at 7:15pm).

Pick a team name and nominate a team captain to register, and they will be allocated a budget of up to £14 per person attending so that a pizza delivery and soft drinks can be arranged (to be reimbursed upon provision of receipts).

Ideally there will be one team per unit and it will be held in your chapel or a member’s home, so please get your team together and save the date.

If you can’t get a team together and would still like to take part, we can accommodate a certain number of individual players so please register but it will be first come, first served.

You will need Wi-Fi and two screens or devices so that you can see the questions on one and select the answers from the other.

If you like to register use the link here:

You will be sent further information and joining instructions once you have registered your team. If you have any questions please email the Single Adult Committee at:

We look forward to seeing you all!!!!

Kind Regards

Poole England Stake | Single Adult Leader & Committee