Single Adults

Multi-Stake Single Adult Weekend 8-10 July 2022

Dear Single Adults,

The Poole England Stake will be hosting a weekend for Single Adults ages 31 plus on 8-10 July 2022. See The cost of the weekend is £45 and this includes a Boat Trip on the Solent Scene from Poole Harbour on the Saturday evening, plus food and drinks for the whole

We also have payment options for those who can only come for the Boat Trip or those would like to attend the weekend but not go on the Boat Trip.

DescriptionCostPayment Link
Full Weekend – includes boat trip, food & drinks for whole weekend£45
Boat Trip Only – This option is for the boat tripwith food & drinks on the Saturday evening only.£20
Weekend excluding Boat
– excludes the Saturday evening Boat Trip and associate food & drinks

We would appreciate your help in passing on this information and poster to all Single Adults in the wards and branches in your stake.

We look forward to seeing many of you all at the event!!!

Kind Regards,

Single Adult Committee
Poole England Stake