Easter Study

Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

Jesus Christ made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem as His followers waved palm fronds and laid down cloaks in His path. They surrounded Jesus with love and praise shouting “Hosanna”—a phrase meaning “save us.” Many of Jesus’s followers expected Him to save them from Roman rule, but His goals were more eternal. Jesus came to earth not to provide political deliverance but to save all humankind from sin and death.

We too can welcome Jesus Christ more into our lives this week. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught:

It is fitting that during the week from Palm Sunday to Easter morning we turn our thoughts to Jesus Christ, the source of light, life, and love. The multitudes in Jerusalem may have seen Him as a great king who would give them freedom from political oppression. But in reality He gave much more than that. He gave us His gospel, a pearl beyond price, the grand key of knowledge that, once understood and applied, unlocks a life of happiness, peace, and fulfillment. (“The Way of the Disciple,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2009, 75)

Read and Ponder

How can you invite Jesus and His accompanying joy more into your life this week?